Thursday, March 27, 2014

Ix Chel: Beneath a Mantle of Stars

IX CHEL: Beneath a Mantle of Stars

(This article originally appeared, by request, in the Japanese magazine "Transdimension Vista for galactic humanity" Vol 1, No. 5, )

IX CHEL: Archetypal Feminine Energy Principle of the Maya

"Ix Chel, a Mayan Goddess of Stars and Children, another aspect of Jessica, astrologer and mother." - Calendar entry for 8th day of Hazel month, by Jean Kozocari, co-author, "The Witch's Book of Days"

My intimate relationship with Ix Chel began the day I came upon this entry while editing the lunar calendar pages of our manuscript for "The Witch's Book of Days." I had been introduced to Ix Chel a couple of years earlier during my cross-cultural Goddess research but this magic mirror afforded me by my friend's vision put her into a far more personal focus. I began then to discover numerous synchronicities between Ix Chel and the totemic Archetypes which inform my own life.

Ix Chel, whose alternate names may be Ix Actani, Ix Alvoh and Ix Asaluoh, is indeed Goddess of
Women in the pantheon of Southern Mexico, the Yucatan and Guatemala, where she presides over healing arts and childbirth. It is said that women still make pilgrimages to her shrine on Cozumel Island if they are pregnant or wishing to be so, a tradition which has survived for centuries.

She is associated with the Moon and in one myth incited jealousy in both her grandfather and
the Sun who, through trickery, became her husband, thus compelling her to show all women that it is necessary for a woman to be the independent agent of her own life.

The story is told of how the sky had once held two great luminaries of equal brilliance, the Sun
and the Moon. So great was the beauty of the Moon, Ix Chel, that the Sun fell in love with her and decided to approach her to invite her love in return. Ix Chel's grandfather, however, guarded her closely. In order to deceive the jealous grandfather, the Sun assumed the form of a hummingbird, emblem of Art and Beauty.
On his arrival at the gardens of Ix Chel, the Lady offered the Sun-as-hummingbird a drink of sacred tobacco flower honey. Suddenly his side was penetrated by a blow-dart, the work of Ix Chel's jealous grandfather who had discovered the Sun's scheme.

Astonished at her grandfather's cruelty, Ix Chel gathered the wounded hummingbird in her arms and took him to her chambers where she nursed him back to health, growing steadily more fond of him over time. Finally revealing himself to Ix Chel, the Sun urged her to fly away with him into the vastness of space. They fashioned a boat out of a cedar log and escaped into the heavens but not without catching the attention of Ix Chel's grandfather who then summoned Cauac, the Being of lightning and storms, to pursue them. The two lovers leapt out of the boat, she assuming the guise of a crab and he that of a turtle, but a lightning bolt struck Ix Chel....."and the Goddess lay dead in the slow moving waters of the reed filled streams of heaven." (1)

For thirteen days the heavenly dragonflies (dreamkeepers and masters of "illusion") attended the body of Ix Chel, around which they had arranged thirteen logs. On the thirteenth day, twelve of the logs released great serpents but from the thirteenth Ix Chel herself arose.

So overjoyed was the Sun that he asked Ix Chel to be his wife, but their happiness  was short-lived for the jealousy which had plagued her life with her grandfather became part of her life with her husband.

The Sun's brother, Chac Noh Ek (the planet Venus), began to frequent the couple's home, paying
lingering attention to the beautiful Ix Chel. The Sun, overcome with possessiveness, accused his wife of taking his brother as a lover. Despite her protestations, the Sun flung Ix Chel from the sky. She landed near the lake of Atitlan where she was discovered by a vulture and taken to the home of the Vulture King. She became his lover, as much out of defiance of her husband as out of gratitude to her rescuers.

The Sun, however, soon discovered what had befallen his wife and went to retrieve her. When he found Ix Chel, he beseeched her to return to the heavens with him once again. This she did but no sooner was she reinstalled in their home than the Sun once again began to accuse his wife of infidelity with the handsome Chac Noh Ek and Zinaan Ek (the Pleiades) and Tzab (the constellation Scorpio).

To destroy her beauty, the Sun assaulted Ix Chel but she left him, determined never to marry again. She traversed the night sky and made the decision to help the women of Earth who sent her their prayers and blessings. And so she remains, though she takes for herself three days out of every twenty-eight, for sabbatu, "heart-rest,"(2) an example for all women to follow.

Among the totemic associations of Ix Chel is the hare, which is also affiliated with the Moon in
many cultures around the world. The hare is said to "sit in the moon eternally grinding the drug of the sense of never-ending cycles of death and regeneration"(3) and it is also the hare who, in Mayan mythology, is the recorder and keeper of the lunar calendar, a covenant between Woman, the cyclic tides of Nature and the celestial realms.

References to planetary bodies and constellations (Venus, the Pleiades and Scorpio) portend interplanetary connections which are currently so much a part of present-day speculation and investigation, from the Earth-launched probes to the "channelled" communications from Pleiadian and Antarean emissaries. My research into these areas is yielding some fascinating, even startling, results but they are beyond the scope of the current article. Suffice it to say it seems that Ix Chel, the Moon, played (and still plays) an important role for planet Earth in the mediation of interstellar and interplanetary influences.

The image of Ix Chel hurtling down to Earth echoes other world myths which claim that the Moon once collided with our planet prior to becoming Earth's satellite. Her affinity with the Moon naturally allies her to water and Ix Chel is known as she who sent the great floods at the time of the "cleansing and remaking" of the Earth, a tale found also in the biblical Old Testament story of Noah and in our distant memories of the antediluvian world in which Atlantis and Lemuria were ultimately destroyed. One of her icons is a giant overturned earthenware pot, called the Vessel of Doom, pouring its contents down from the heavens. Both the crab and the turtle are icons of the watery zodiacal sign Cancer (also affiliated with the  Moon), during which Age occurred the Great Deluge in Earth's History.

Too, she is the Weaver, the Spider who sits in the centre of Creation and she (or in some myths, her daughter Ix Chebel Uax, who was formed by her mother as the web is formed by the spider) is credited with teaching Earth women the art of weaving. Her affiliation with weaving is also reminiscent of the Indian Great Mother Maya, Goddess of Illusion, who weaves the web of the material plane, what humans call "reality" - she who is mother of the Buddha, the "enlightened one."

Another of her totems is the eagle and Ix Chel was known as Eagle Woman, her majestic birds serving as Moon essence messengers even before the eagle became identified with the Grandfather/Wise Man Archetype. Images of Ix Chel affirm her status as Lady of the Beasts, for she is often featured with an animal ally.

The imagery of these myths reflects some key factors in the remarkable numero-stellar sacred
"calendar" systems, called Tzolkin, which we have inherited from the mysterious Mayan culture(4). The highly sophisticated system which we have come to call the Mayan calendar (many elements of which were later adopted by the Aztec and recorded by the Spanish Jesuit priests)(5) contains a rich store of Archetypes which enable a precise divinatory system, as well as a complex pattern of cyclic measurement.

This sacred "calendar" is composed of three distinct parts with a number of synchronous
sub-categories: a Great Cycle, comprised of thirteen segments each lasting between 394 to 395 Earth years and each representing an evolutionary stage of development; a "year" lasting 260 days, (a reflection of the Great Cycle in increments of 20, the Mayan unit of measurement), each with its own particular ritual and direction (North, South, East, West, Centre) thus forming the base for the divinatory system; and a lunar month of  approximately 28 days.
The word, or title, Ix represents one of twenty divinatory Archetypes and depicts "The Sorcerer,
The  Jaguar, Feline Energy, The Night-Seer, Attainment of Magical Powers, Highest Level of Individual Conscious Development"(6), independence and personal responsibility. It numbers 14 in the system of 20 Archetypes, preceded by Ben, the Reed and the Skywalker, which is the principle of Spirit acting outside the normally accepted boundaries of space and time. (Skywalker is also a literal translation of the Tungus-Siberian word "shaman.")(7) The subsequent Archetype, number 15, is Men, the Eagle, Collective or Over-Mind and Planetary Consciousness.(8)Chicchan, number 5, is the Serpent, the Reptilian Brain, the nervous and autonomic systems of the body, the corporeal intelligence (and yet another of Ix Chel's totems). Cauac, number 19, is "Storm, Thunder Cloud and Thunder Being, Transformation that Precedes Full Realization."(9)              

In the Aztec sacred cycle, Ix is called Ocelotl (Ocelot) the Messenger, who is preceded by Acatl,
(Reed) and followed by Cuauhtli (Eagle). Number 5 is Coatl (Serpent), concerned with energy, polarity and the generation of thought waves. Number 19 is Quiahuitl (Rain) and is involved with cleansing and the nurture and cultivation of the human emotional body.

For many years, it has been my understanding that the development of the human emotional body represents the last phase of our evolutionary development before our next quantum step. I arrived at this conclusion mainly through the study of occidental astrology which is another system involving Archetypes, measurement, direction and divination. Upon examination of Ix Chel's story and the Mayan-Aztec "calendar" divination systems, I realize that my "revelation" has been known for thousands of years and by many people of the ancient world, though in latter times this information has been suppressed or has fallen away from our common knowledge.

For at least the preceding five thousand years of history and most definitely since the Industrial
Revolution, humans have become increasingly "mechanized," growing ever more ignorant of our own natural cycles, which are more flexible and humane than our Gregorian calendar/forty-hour work-week schedule suggests. The lunar influence represented by Ix Chel is of prime importance, both as an Archetype and as a mediating factor in our emotional development, a fact already in evidence through the menstrual cycle and its relationship to the emotional and psychic lives of women and, by association, children and men.

Menstruating women who, like Ix Chel, "disappear" to care for ourselves and to meditate help to
maintain the overall balance of the evolving emotional body, not only for ourselves but for all humans, a fact known to every culture which has ever observed this ritual(10). When this practice is overlooked or violated, emotional balance is disturbed, one of the contributing factors to the dread "Premenstrual Syndrome." In turn, the relationship between women and men is undermined, effectively disrupting our attempts at co-operative activities. (Ix Chel leaves her husband, the Sun, after he assaults her, vowing never to marry, which may be interpreted as a feminine withdrawal from participation in Solar/masculine arrangements and activities, a phenomenon which we are now witnessing in some women's communities within our culture.) As we are entering a time when the need for co-operation and community is critical if we are to survive as a species on this planet, the continued imposition of a solar/mechanistic/exclusive model upon a primarily lunar/cyclic/inclusive mammalian group is inimical to our collective evolution.

Too, a mechanistic approach to life renders humans more prone to disease as we are driven to ignore the body's natural prompts. However, shamanic cultures have long recognized and acknowledged the role of illness as a most profound initiator into the Mysteries of the shamanic, or Skywalker, realm.

The wounding and death of Ix Chel and her subsequent resurrection attended by serpents marks
an inauguration or acknowledgment of the body wisdom, instinct. (The acquisition of this wisdom was achieved over the course of one Great Cycle of thirteen "days.") The image of the body of Ix Chel...."dead in the...waters of the reed filled streams..." speaks of the shamanic process by which one attains knowledge of and access to the multiple realms which exist outside the jurisdiction of time and space as commonly accepted, whether through the process of birth (and birthing) or death (and the near-death experience). The Dance of quantum stepping with the archetype Ix Chel, the supple feline sorcerer who teaches us independence and personal responsibility, may well offer us another alternative for our exploration of the realms beyond space and time if we are willing to honor the planetary consciousness through attunement to natural cycles. Thunder accompanies lightning - lightning is a metaphor for enlightenment. According to the Mayan "calendar," we concluded the katun (approximately twenty-year span) of the Archetype Cauac, Thunder Being, in 1992; we have already had that twenty-year wake-up call.

Ix Chel, the Lunar Night-seer Magician, holding the Reed basket, the doorway or bridge between
worlds or dimensions, which contains the healing Moon essence to soothe the fevers of Solar/machine age overindulgence, transcending the limits of space and time to guard and nurture our maturing collective emotional body, is waiting to initiate us into the full realization of our potential. Although she portends collective transformation, she also reminds us that we are individually capable and responsible for our own attunement to planetary consciousness.


As I sit, creating this article very much like "weaving" of a tapestry, while wrapped in my
jaguar-print robe (a gift from a friend who said it was "me"), I am compelled to review the Archetypal role Ix Chel has played in my own life.

Three months before beginning this article I was given my first Eagle feather, Eagle having entered my life as a totem in 1985. On sleeping with the feather beside my bed, I had a series of intense, visionary dreams. Needless to say, my life is currently in transformation. 

As a very young woman, I was warned by a psychic on numerous occasions that jealousy would be a stumbling block in my life. I was determined that I would not allow that to happen but, nonetheless, I did encounter enough of it, in a variety of guises, to force a change in my direction
on more than one occasion, which contributed to some profound transformational initiations, as well as some realizations about the nature of reality.

Astrologically a Lunar type, I was born in the Year of the Hare and have a prominently-placed Moon, high in my natal chart, the "esoteric ruler" of the chart, sharing the distinction of elevation with the "exoteric ruler," Mercury, the Messenger. I have always been a swimmer in the sea of consciousness and human potential, more so when I allow myself to work from my intuition and inner vision - Lunar trademarks. Too, in true Lunar tradition, I am the mother of five children.

At birth, my parents (unknowingly) gave me the name of an Etruscan Thunder god. At 21, a year after the birth of my first child (and three years after the second of four near-death experiences) I received a new name, meaning "Serpent Lady of the Dawning Sky," an image strongly reminiscent of both the archetypal Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent of the Maya/Aztecs, and Melusine, the serpent-tailed, wish-granting, doom-crying Goddess of the Gallic Celts.

The Aztec Quetzalcoatl was the son of the Goddess called Lady of the Serpent Skirt and his story features a death-and-resurrection theme, like the story of Ix Chel. At the time I had not heard of  either of these Beings, nor did I until very many years later.

Kukulkan/Quetzalcoatl is associated with the Archetype number 13, Ben or Reed, the shamanic
gateway between the realms which precedes Archetype number 14, Ix, the Messenger.

Four years after I received my new name, I wrote of my Archetype:

"...As though you fly into the Sun
Her rays can melt your waxen wings,
And if you court illusion
Her heart will not be won....."(11)

already aware that we must be prepared to surrender our old concepts in order to embrace our next adventure in consciousness.

I resisted the title shaman for many years but was "tricked" into it by first being given the title
Dakini, a Sanskrit word meaning Skywalker, and according to some, Witch. Years later, after I had made peace with my reluctance at being referred to as shaman, I found the literal translation of the word in an interview with Terence McKenna. I enjoyed the cosmic joke immensely!

For the last seventeen years, I have embraced the work of Feminine/Lunar consciousness as a
Messenger: teacher, writer, artist, shaman. As an attendant of Ix Chel, I serve as a mediator, dancing a bridge between the Solar and Lunar aspects of consciousness, between worlds we know and worlds we yet may dream.


1) Merlin Stone, Ancient Mirrors of Womanhood, Boston, Beacon Press, 1984, p.94

2) Vicki Noble, citing Merlin Stone's findings regarding the term "sabbath," Shakti Woman: Feeling Our Fire, Healing Our World, San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco, 1991, p. 94
3) Hallie Iglehart Austen, The Heart of the Goddess, Berkeley, Wingbow Press, 1990, p. 50

4) For a complete examination of the Mayan systems, see the works of Dr. Jose Arguelles, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, Santa Fe, Bear & Company, 1987, and Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on the Law Governing Whole Systems, Boulder, Shambhala Publications, 1984

5) See Bruce Scofield & Angela Cordova, The Aztec Circle of Destiny: Astrology & Divination from the Ancient Aztec World, St. Paul, Llewellyn Publications, 1989

6) Arguelles, The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology,  p. 100

7) Terence McKenna, The Archaic Revival, San Francisco, HarperSanFrancisco, 1991, p. 165

8) Arguelles, The Mayan Factor, p. 100

9) Ibid., p. 101

10) The word "ritual" derives from the Sanskrit word for menses, "ritu." Vicki Noble citing Elinor Gadon, op.cit, p. 95

11) "Serpent Lady of the Dawning Sky," original musical composition by the author, 1975

Copyright, 1995, 2001, by Jessica North-O'Connell

Mayan Signs:

According to the Dreamspell Calendar: CIB (owl)- grace, trust, inner voice, reception, mystic transmission, divine communication, cosmic consciousness, golden pillar, ferryman’s staff; Yellow Overtone Warrior; Crystal Moon Month, Fifth Chakra

Personal Affinities: BEN (skywalker, time/space traveller, angelic messenger, pillars of heaven, courage, new directions, mysterious journey, compassion, fluid reference point), Third Chakra

IX (jaguar/ocelot, integrity, heart-knowing, alignment with divine will, magician, shaman, jaguar, night seer, pries/esst, torch bearer, magic, peacock, all-seeing eye), First Chakra